"Eclat", émerge des coups de pinceau exprimant un langage gestuel et abstrait que Moser a exploré tout au long de sa carrière. Par son énergie démonstrative, l'aquatinte capture les éléments d'improvisation, de spontanéité et d'esthétique qui définissent son travail.
Les œuvres de Jill Moser se trouvent dans les collections de divers musées dont le Museum of Modern Art New York, le Art Institute of Chicago, le Metroplitan Museum of Art New York, le Musée de Beaux-Arts de Houston ainsi que dans nombreuses institutions privées.
Emerging from the brushwork, Eclat, is a burst of gestural and abstract language that Moser has explored throughout her career. In a performative display of activity, the aquatint plays structural elements against the improvisation and spontaneity that have defined her most recent work. Marking two years since the gallery's first exhibition with Jill Moser, Dubner Moderne is pleased to have published this new print.
Works by Jill Moser can be found in the collections of museums such as the Museum of Modern Art New York, the Art Institute of Chicago, The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York and the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston as well as in numerous private collections.